
Jumat, 17 September 2010

how to finding an LCD TV Sale


LCD TVs are incredibly popular, and prices continue to fall year after year. Yet they're still relatively expensive – you can still expect to pay between $1,000 and $3,000 for many of the high-tech models with large screen sizes. If your goal is to find an LCD TV sale, you're in luck: increased competition in the LCD TV market has created a number of avenues for finding an LCD TV sale or for finding LCD TVs on sale. Let's look at a few of the ways you can find a bargain at an LCD TV sale.

The first major source for an LCD TV sale is through online discounters. Online discounters tend to offer lower prices than even the discount electronics stores like Best Buy and Circuit City because they have much lower overhead – they don't have to pay for retail outlets and for distribution to those outlets. Keep in mind, though, that the total cost of the TV can be higher than its purchase price due to shipping costs. Some TVs bought at an online TV sale are sold with free shipping; in other cases shipping can cost $40 to $80 and up depending on the size of the TV you purchase. You can also find an LCD TV "sale" at auction sites like eBay – not only can you find a new LCD TV, but you may find a used model that's perfect for your viewing habits and your pocketbook.
Speaking of a used LCD TV, check out a used LCD TV sale. "Used" doesn't always have to mean "old." Many retailers take TVs in trade from their customers, and they'll sell you a used set at a greatly reduced price. Why? LCD technology is rapidly advancing and today's cutting-edge model can be tomorrow's out of date model. Many consumers love to buy the latest technology, and will sell their "old" set at a fraction of its original cost… letting you get a great buy at a used LCD TV sale. Some electronics stores take trade-ins and return the used model to the manufacturer for inspection and testing before they re-sell it. You can find a used LCD TV sale by checking with your local electronics stores or by checking online auction sites.

Another type of TV that's always on sale is a "scratch and dent" TV. Retailers always offer their slightly damaged LCD TVs at a sale price. Why? Just like other appliances and electronics equipment, an LCD TV can't be advertised and sold in new condition if it has minor cosmetic damage. Most retailers will discount those items heavily instead of paying the shipping charges necessary to return them to the manufacturer for repair. When you walk in the door, the scratch and dent items will always be included in an LCD TV sale. Best of all, most scratch and dent TVs come with a full warranty, so you won't have to worry about reliability. You can buy an LCD TV on sale by finding a unit you want with minor cosmetic damage.

Discontinued models are frequently included in an LCD TV sale. Manufacturers constantly seek to introduce new models with cutting edge technology, and retailers sell overstock and discontinued models at near-cost levels to free up inventory (and cash.) A discontinued model is frequently one of the feature products in an LCD TV sale. Keep an eye out for seasonal specials, too – shopping in January will often let you take advantage of excess inventory in the post-Christmas period.

Finally, you can create your own LCD TV sale by taking advantage of rebates. Some rebates are advertised at the point of purchase; others are a little more "hidden," and can only be found by checking with the manufacturer. Many electronics manufacturers, like Sony, post rebate information on their website. While your local retailer might not have the latest rebate information, the manufacturer will – and if you take advantage of a rebate, you've created your own LCD TV sale.

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